Welcome on www.lafficheur.com

We sell original posters.

You can choose a poster category on the left menu and browse through the finest pieces we gathered for you.

To buy one of these posters, feel free to contact us anytime by mail or by phone : 
+ (mobile) / + (land line)
Jean-Louis Collay 21, rue du docteur Rafin, 69009 Lyon France

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Jean Carlu, 1960, 23.6''x39.0''
Campagnoli, 1963, 24.0''x38.6''
1972, 47.2''x33.9''
André Galland, 1937, 31.5''x47.2''
Guy Georget, 1963, 24.4''x39.4''
Favre, ci1935, 31.5''x47.2''